
“As long as you do not live totally in the body, you do not live totally in the Self.”

—B.K.S. Iyengar


One of the many translations of the word “yoga” means union. It is the union of our mind and body via our breath. The practice of yoga has many benefits to the physical body; but the greatest value yoga has is the quality of ease to our minds.

Monica’s Teaching Style

Monica’s classes are alignment based, creative and fluid. Sequences are intelligently threaded together by a focus and you will leave feeling balanced in the body and mind.

Monica has been teaching yoga since 2008. She has studied several different styles of yoga and teaches alignment-based Vinyasa classes. Her classes force you to move as slowly as your breath while progressively challenging your body. She is influenced by the wisdom of yogic philosophy and her meditation practice, which you feel in her grounding classes.

What is yoga?

Born out of India, early forms of yoga date back over 5,000 years. Over the years and lifestyle changes yoga has evolved. However, the goal of yoga has never changed.

Most of us when we think of yoga think of the physical practice. This practice brings strength, length and, ease, and it can often “undo” the demands our daily lives place on our bodies. The end goal of the physical practice has always been to heighten our awareness of the physical body, to truly feel comfortable in our own skin and be able to sit comfortably with ease. Why is this important? When we are comfortable in our bodies it helps bring harmony in our minds. How many positions can you sustain before you start thinking about your foot cramping or your hips tightening or your back aching? If we are able to take the aches and pains out of the body, the mind has less distractions. Yoga stills the fluctuations of the mind.

For most, the physical practice of yoga has been the gateway to discover the other benefits of this practice. Today, humans have more stimulation than ever before. Over stimulation and stress has many health effects and causes general dis-ease of the mind and body. One of the quickest ways to bring stress levels down is to bring attention to our breath. Yoga is only practiced when the breath is consciously being practiced as well. When doing so, it is extremely beneficial for our nervous systems by, reducing stress and quieting our thoughts.

When we are truly living comfortably in our bodies and sound in our minds, space is created for our spiritual growth. It allows our inner compass to align with what we truly want in this life. It allows us to operate in our community as the best version of ourselves.  

Yoga has stood the test of time. If it didn’t work or serve a purpose for humans we would have let it go. No matter what brings you to this practice you will see the benefits seep into all areas of your life.


“The yogis teach that every human being is comprised of body, mind and spirit, and that each of these elements have their own unique desires. The body desires health, the mind desires knowledge and the spirit desires inner peace. The goal of yoga is to individually address and satiate each of these desires while simultaneously expanding one’s reality towards greater degrees of freedom, compassion and love.”

—Jennifer Reuter

